Wexl Trails

The web relaunch for the Wexl Trails focused on one thing in particular: the interaction with the Wexl Arena website in terms of managing the most central content. The structure had to be similar - and yet stand out visually to suit the target group.

Project start



7 weeks


Outdoor park

What we did

Website design

Das Macherjek Team schafft es digitale Herausforderungen, Aufgaben von Unternehmen in die digitale Welt zu übersetzen und zu lösen. Dabei sind Lösungen benutzerfreundlich bedienbar und stechen in Bezug auf Design aus der Masse heraus. Immer in Hinblick auf verfügbare Ressourcen und Output abgestimmt. Kevin schafft es aus Ideen, digitale Lösungen zu bauen, die in Bezug auf die Verfügbaren Ressourcen, bestmögliche Option, Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Das ganze mit einem hohen Designanspruch. Und Anspruch an die Usability.

Karl Morgenbesser

Founder & CEO @ Wexl Arena & SGZ Impuls

Desktop view

Mobile view


Since the focus was on the interaction of wexlarena.at and wexltrails.at with regard to the management of the most important content, both projects were conceived and planned together. The UI/UX design was then created on this basis - in line with the target group of Wexl Trails.


The new Wexl Trails website is now ready for future expansions of the trail park and tour offerings and can be updated and adapted quickly and easily thanks to the individual CMS solution. Interfaces to external providers such as Outdoor Active or Infomax complete the offer.

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